Does Mirror World provide shipping?

We can deliver your product directly to your home and will send you an independent shipping quote after your purchase.We strive to ship all products to you efficiently. You should receive a shipping notification 1-5 days after payment has been processed. We cannot deliver to P.O. boxes at this time.

What does your shipping insurance look like?

You MUST check your package in its entirety before singing the delivery connote. Do not sign if any pieces are broken or missing. Please make a record of the defects for evidence and claim purposes and contact us right away. Keep all parts of the damaged package.

Independent shipping services are not included in your shipping insurance.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, we do!

We will gladly replace or exchange your product for a new one under these conditions:

  1. The item is faulty or malfunctioning.
  2. Item does not match the description provided on the website.

In the rare instance that a replacement or exchange is not realistic, we will offer you the appropriate amount in either store credit or a refund.

No refund or exchange will be dispersed under these conditions:

  1. You wish you had ordered a different product or do not need the product anymore.
  2. The item does not match customer’s expectations (unless contradictory to website description).

If a refund is granted, the customer can choose to receive either store credit for the entire purchase price or a cash refund for the purchase price minus a 15% fee.

Do you offer warranty protection?

Yes, as long as you have the original receipt as proof of purchase.Damages caused by customer negligence or accidents are not covered by our warranty policy.

Do you provide free quotes on products, including shipping?

Yes, we do! Contact us and we will get back to you quickly with an estimated rate for both product and shipping.

Do you maintain the confidentiality of your customers?

No private details or consumer information will be disclosed to any third party under any circumstances. Mirror World respects the confidentiality of all of its customers at all times.

What if the product I receive is not what I ordered?

Please follow the shipping insurance protocol detailed above and contact us ASAP. We will resolve the issue in a timely manner.